This module contains the Vector and VectorReader
class that perform on-the-fly rasterization of
vectors into raster blocks to fit in with
ImageReader and ImageWriter classes.
As of version 2.0.0, everything in this module is deprecated. Vector reading
is now handled much more neatly within the imagereader module.
# This file is part of RIOS - Raster I/O Simplification
# Copyright (C) 2012 Sam Gillingham, Neil Flood
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import tempfile
import subprocess
from .imagewriter import DEFAULTDRIVERNAME
from .imagewriter import DEFAULTCREATIONOPTIONS
from . import rioserrors
from . import cuiprogress
from .imagereader import ImageReader
from osgeo import ogr
from osgeo import gdal
from osgeo import osr
from osgeo import gdal_array
import numpy
[docs]class Vector(object):
Class that holds information about a vector dataset and how it
should be rasterized. Used for passing to VectorReader.
def __init__(self, filename, inputlayer=0, burnvalue=DEFAULTBURNVALUE,
attribute=None, filter=None, alltouched=False, datatype=numpy.uint8,
tempdir='.', driver=DEFAULTDRIVERNAME,
Constructs a Vector object. filename should be a path to an OGR readable
inputlayer should be the OGR layer number (or name) in the dataset to rasterize.
burnvalue is the value that gets written into the raster inside a polygon.
Alternatively, attribute may be the name of an attribute that is looked up
for the value to write into the raster inside a polygon.
If you want to filter the attributes in the vector, pass filter which
is in the format of an SQL WHERE clause.
By default, only pixels whose centre lies within the a polygon get
rasterised. To have all pixels touched by a polygon rasterised, set
datatype is the numpy type to rasterize to - byte by default.
tempdir is the directory to create the temporary raster file.
driver and driveroptions set the GDAL raster driver name and options
for the temporary rasterised file.
msg = "The Vector class is now deprecated (v2.0.0)"
# open the file and get the requested layer
self.filename = filename
self.layerid = inputlayer
self.ds = ogr.Open(filename)
if self.ds is None:
raise rioserrors.ImageOpenError("Unable to open OGR dataset: %s" % filename)
self.layer = self.ds.GetLayer(inputlayer)
if self.layer is None:
raise rioserrors.VectorLayerError("Unable to find layer: %s" % inputlayer)
layerdefn = self.layer.GetLayerDefn()
# check the attribute exists
if attribute is not None:
fieldidx = layerdefn.GetFieldIndex(attribute)
if fieldidx == -1:
raise rioserrors.VectorAttributeError("Attribute does not exist in file: %s" % attribute)
# apply the attribute filter if passed
if filter is not None:
# store it in case of reprojection
self.filter = filter
# create a temporary file name based on raster
# driver extension
# save GDAL driver object for dataset creation later
self.driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(driver)
drivermeta = self.driver.GetMetadata()
ext = ''
if gdal.DMD_EXTENSION in drivermeta:
ext = '.' + drivermeta[gdal.DMD_EXTENSION]
# save the driver options
self.driveroptions = driveroptions
self.tempdir = tempdir
(fileh, self.temp_image) = tempfile.mkstemp(ext, dir=tempdir)
# close the file so we can get GDAL to clobber it
# probably a security hole - not sure
# create the options string
self.options = []
if attribute is not None:
self.options.append('ATTRIBUTE=%s' % attribute)
if alltouched:
# store the data type
self.datatype = datatype
# burnvalue
self.burnvalue = burnvalue
# Value used for area not burned
self.nullval = nullval
[docs] def cleanup(self):
Remove temporary file(s) and close dataset
if os.path.exists(self.temp_image):
self.rasterDS = None
drvr = gdal.IdentifyDriver(self.temp_image)
del self.layer
self.layer = None
del self.ds
self.ds = None
if hasattr(self, 'reprojectedFile'):
drvr = self.reprojectedDS.GetDriver()
delattr(self, 'reprojectedDS')
delattr(self, 'reprojectedFile')
def __del__(self):
# destructor - call cleanup
[docs] def matchingProj(self, proj):
Returns True if the current vector has the same projection
as the given projection. The projectino can be given as either
a WKT string, or an osr.SpatialReference instance.
if isinstance(proj, osr.SpatialReference):
sr = proj
sr = osr.SpatialReference(wkt=proj)
selfSr = self.layer.GetSpatialRef()
return selfSr.IsSame(sr)
[docs] def reproject(self, proj):
Reproject the current vector to the given projection. Places the
result in a temporary shapefile, and opens it. Returns the ogr.Layer
object resulting.
Assumes that shapefile format will always be sufficient - I can't think
of any reason why not.
This reprojection becomes a part of the "state" of the current object, i.e.
there can only be one "reprojected" copy of the current vector. This should
be fine.
if isinstance(proj, osr.SpatialReference):
projWKT = proj.ExportAsWkt()
projWKT = proj
(fd, tmpVectorfile) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='tmp', suffix='.shp', dir=self.tempdir)
# This is naughty, but otherwise ogr2ogr won't work
cmdList = ["ogr2ogr", '-f', "ESRI Shapefile", '-t_srs', projWKT,
tmpVectorfile, self.filename]
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmdList, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
(stdoutStr, stderrStr) = proc.communicate()
# sometimes warnings etc printed to stderr so we can't
# rely on that for testing success. Use returncode instead.
if proc.returncode != 0:
msg = "Trouble reprojecting vector\n\n" + stdoutStr + '\n' + stderrStr
raise rioserrors.VectorProjectionError(msg)
self.reprojectedFile = tmpVectorfile
self.reprojectedDS = ogr.Open(tmpVectorfile)
layer = self.reprojectedDS.GetLayer(self.layerid)
# apply the attribute filter if in original
if self.filter is not None:
return layer
[docs]def rasterizeProgressFunc(value, string, progressObj):
called by gdal.RasterizeLayer
percent = int(value * 100)
[docs]class VectorReader(object):
Class that performs rasterization of Vector objects.
def __init__(self, vectorContainer, progress=None):
vectorContainer is a single Vector object, or a
list or dictionary that contains
the Vector objects of the files to be read.
If a Vector object is passed, a single block is returned
from rasterize(), if a list is passed,
a list of blocks is returned, if a dictionary a dictionary is
returned for each call to rasterize() with the same keys.
progress is an instance of a Progress class, if none
an instance of cuiprogress.CUIProgress is created an used
msg = "The VectorReader class is now deprecated (v2.0.0)"
self.vectorContainer = vectorContainer
if progress is None:
self.progress = cuiprogress.SilentProgress()
self.progress = progress
[docs] @staticmethod
def rasterizeSingle(info, vector, progress):
Static method to rasterize a single Vector for the extents
specified in the info object.
For efficiency, it rasterizes the whole working grid, and caches
this, and then reads the relevant section of the gridd for the
current block.
Will reproject the vector into the working projection, if required.
A single numpy array is returned of rasterized data.
if info.isFirstBlock():
projection = info.getProjection()
veclayer = vector.layer
if not vector.matchingProj(projection):
veclayer = vector.reproject(projection)
# Haven't yet rasterized, so do this for the whole workingGrid
(nrows, ncols) = info.workingGrid.getDimensions()
numLayers = 1
gdaldatatype = gdal_array.NumericTypeCodeToGDALTypeCode(vector.datatype)
outds = vector.driver.Create(vector.temp_image, ncols, nrows, numLayers,
gdaldatatype, vector.driveroptions)
if outds is None:
raise rioserrors.ImageOpenError("Unable to create temporary file %s" % vector.temp_image)
# Fill raster with vector null value
for i in range(numLayers):
band = outds.GetRasterBand(i + 1)
# Must be passed a float due to way SWIG bindings work
err = gdal.RasterizeLayer(outds, [1], veclayer, burn_values=[vector.burnvalue],
options=vector.options, callback=rasterizeProgressFunc,
if err != gdal.CE_None:
raise rioserrors.VectorRasterizationError("Rasterization failed")
vector.rasterDS = outds
except Exception:
# if there has been an exception
# ensure all the files are cleaned up
# and the exception raised again
xoff, yoff = info.getPixColRow(0, 0)
blockcols, blockrows = info.getBlockSize()
margin = info.getOverlapSize()
block = ImageReader.readBlockWithMargin(vector.rasterDS, xoff, yoff, blockcols, blockrows,
vector.datatype, margin, [vector.nullval])
return block
[docs] def rasterize(self, info):
Rasterize the container of Vector objects passed to the
constuctor. Returns blocks in the same form as the
container passed to the constructor.
if isinstance(self.vectorContainer, dict):
blockContainer = {}
for key in self.vectorContainer:
vector = self.vectorContainer[key]
if isinstance(vector, list):
block = [self.rasterizeSingle(info, v, self.progress) for v in vector]
block = self.rasterizeSingle(info, vector, self.progress)
blockContainer[key] = block
elif isinstance(self.vectorContainer, Vector):
blockContainer = self.rasterizeSingle(info, self.vectorContainer, self.progress)
blockContainer = []
for vector in self.vectorContainer:
block = self.rasterizeSingle(info, vector, self.progress)
return blockContainer
[docs] def close(self):
Closes all datasets and removes temporary files.
if isinstance(self.vectorContainer, dict):
for key in self.vectorContainer:
vector = self.vectorContainer[key]
elif isinstance(self.vectorContainer, Vector):
for vector in self.vectorContainer: