Source code for rios.computemanager

import sys
import os
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from concurrent import futures
import queue
import subprocess
import time
import threading
import copy

    import boto3
except ImportError:
    boto3 = None

from . import rioserrors
from .structures import Timers, BlockAssociations, NetworkDataChannel
from .structures import WorkerErrorRecord
from .structures import CW_NONE, CW_THREADS, CW_PBS, CW_SLURM, CW_AWSBATCH
from .structures import CW_SUBPROC
from .readerinfo import makeReaderInfo

[docs]def getComputeWorkerManager(cwKind): """ Returns a compute-worker manager object of the requested kind. """ if cwKind in (CW_PBS, CW_SLURM): cwMgrObj = ClassicBatchComputeWorkerMgr() cwMgrObj.computeWorkerKind = cwKind else: cwMgrClass = None subClasses = ComputeWorkerManager.__subclasses__() for c in subClasses: if c.computeWorkerKind == cwKind: cwMgrClass = c if cwMgrClass is None: msg = "Unknown compute-worker kind '{}'".format(cwKind) raise ValueError(msg) cwMgrObj = cwMgrClass() return cwMgrObj
[docs]class ComputeWorkerManager(ABC): """ Abstract base class for all compute-worker manager subclasses A subclass implements a particular way of managing RIOS compute-workers. It should over-ride all abstract methods given here. """ computeWorkerKind = CW_NONE outObjList = None outqueue = None jobName = None
[docs] @abstractmethod def startWorkers(self, numWorkers=None, userFunction=None, infiles=None, outfiles=None, otherArgs=None, controls=None, blockList=None, inBlockBuffer=None, outBlockBuffer=None, workinggrid=None, allInfo=None, computeWorkersRead=False, singleBlockComputeWorkers=False, tmpfileMgr=None, haveSharedTemp=True, exceptionQue=None): """ Start the specified compute workers """
[docs] @abstractmethod def shutdown(self): """ Shutdown the computeWorkerManager """
[docs] def setupNetworkCommunication(self, userFunction, infiles, outfiles, otherArgs, controls, workinggrid, allInfo, blockList, numWorkers, inBlockBuffer, outBlockBuffer, forceExit, exceptionQue, workerBarrier): """ Set up the standard methods of network communication between the workers and the main thread. This is expected to be the same for all workers running on separate machines from the main thread. Creates the dataChan and outqueue attributes. This routine is not needed for the Threads subclass, because it does not use the network versions of these communications. """ # Divide the block list into a sublist for each worker allSublists = [blockList[i::numWorkers] for i in range(numWorkers)] # Set up the data which is common for all workers workerInitData = {} workerInitData['userFunction'] = userFunction workerInitData['infiles'] = infiles workerInitData['outfiles'] = outfiles workerInitData['otherArgs'] = otherArgs workerInitData['controls'] = controls workerInitData['workinggrid'] = workinggrid workerInitData['allInfo'] = allInfo # Set up the data which is local to each worker blockListByWorker = {} workerInitData['blockListByWorker'] = blockListByWorker for workerID in range(numWorkers): blockListByWorker[workerID] = allSublists[workerID] # Create the network-visible data channel try: self.dataChan = NetworkDataChannel(workerInitData, inBlockBuffer, outBlockBuffer, forceExit, exceptionQue, workerBarrier) except rioserrors.UnavailableError as e: if str(e) == "Failed to import cloudpickle": msg = ("computeWorkerKind '{}' requires the cloudpickle " + "package, which appears to be unavailable") msg = msg.format(self.computeWorkerKind) raise rioserrors.UnavailableError(msg) from None else: raise self.outqueue = self.dataChan.outqueue self.exceptionQue = self.dataChan.exceptionQue
[docs] def makeOutObjList(self): """ Make a list of all the objects the workers put into outqueue on completion """ self.outObjList = [] done = False while not done: try: outObj = self.outqueue.get(block=False) self.outObjList.append(outObj) except queue.Empty: done = True
[docs] def setJobName(self, jobName): """ Sets the job name string, which is made available to worker processes. Defaults to None, and has only cosmetic effects. """ self.jobName = jobName
[docs] def getWorkerName(self, workerID): """ Return a string which uniquely identifies each work, including the jobName, if given. """ if self.jobName is not None: workerName = "RIOS_{}_{}".format(self.jobName, workerID) else: workerName = "RIOS_{}".format(workerID) return workerName
[docs]class ThreadsComputeWorkerMgr(ComputeWorkerManager): """ Manage compute workers using the threads within the current process. """ computeWorkerKind = CW_THREADS def __init__(self): self.threadPool = None self.workerList = None self.outqueue = queue.Queue() self.forceExit = threading.Event()
[docs] def startWorkers(self, numWorkers=None, userFunction=None, infiles=None, outfiles=None, otherArgs=None, controls=None, blockList=None, inBlockBuffer=None, outBlockBuffer=None, workinggrid=None, allInfo=None, computeWorkersRead=False, singleBlockComputeWorkers=False, tmpfileMgr=None, haveSharedTemp=True, exceptionQue=None): """ Start <numWorkers> threads to process blocks of data """ # Divide the block list into a sublist for each worker allSublists = [blockList[i::numWorkers] for i in range(numWorkers)] self.threadPool = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=numWorkers) self.workerList = [] for workerID in range(numWorkers): # otherArgs are not thread-safe, so each worker gets its own copy otherArgsCopy = copy.deepcopy(otherArgs) subBlocklist = allSublists[workerID] worker = self.threadPool.submit(self.worker, userFunction, infiles, outfiles, otherArgsCopy, controls, allInfo, workinggrid, subBlocklist, inBlockBuffer, outBlockBuffer, self.outqueue, workerID, exceptionQue) self.workerList.append(worker)
[docs] def worker(self, userFunction, infiles, outfiles, otherArgs, controls, allInfo, workinggrid, blockList, inBlockBuffer, outBlockBuffer, outqueue, workerID, exceptionQue): """ This function is a worker for a single thread, with no reading or writing going on. All I/O is via the inBlockBuffer and outBlockBuffer objects. """ numBlocks = len(blockList) try: timings = Timers() blockNdx = 0 while blockNdx < numBlocks and not self.forceExit.is_set(): with timings.interval('pop_readbuffer'): (blockDefn, inputs) = inBlockBuffer.popNextBlock() readerInfo = makeReaderInfo(workinggrid, blockDefn, controls, infiles, inputs, allInfo) outputs = BlockAssociations() userArgs = (readerInfo, inputs, outputs) if otherArgs is not None: userArgs += (otherArgs, ) with timings.interval('userfunction'): userFunction(*userArgs) with timings.interval('insert_computebuffer'): outBlockBuffer.insertCompleteBlock(blockDefn, outputs) blockNdx += 1 if otherArgs is not None: outqueue.put(otherArgs) outqueue.put(timings) except Exception as e: workerErr = WorkerErrorRecord(e, 'compute', workerID) exceptionQue.put(workerErr)
[docs] def shutdown(self): """ Shut down the thread pool """ self.forceExit.set() futures.wait(self.workerList) self.threadPool.shutdown() self.makeOutObjList()
[docs]class AWSBatchComputeWorkerMgr(ComputeWorkerManager): """ Manage compute workers using AWS Batch. """ computeWorkerKind = CW_AWSBATCH
[docs] def startWorkers(self, numWorkers=None, userFunction=None, infiles=None, outfiles=None, otherArgs=None, controls=None, blockList=None, inBlockBuffer=None, outBlockBuffer=None, workinggrid=None, allInfo=None, computeWorkersRead=False, singleBlockComputeWorkers=False, tmpfileMgr=None, haveSharedTemp=True, exceptionQue=None): """ Start <numWorkers> AWS Batch jobs to process blocks of data """ self.forceExit = threading.Event() self.workerBarrier = threading.Barrier(numWorkers + 1) if boto3 is None: raise rioserrors.UnavailableError("boto3 is unavailable") self.STACK_NAME = os.getenv('RIOS_AWSBATCH_STACK', default='RIOS') self.REGION = os.getenv('RIOS_AWSBATCH_REGION', default='ap-southeast-2') self.stackOutputs = self.getStackOutputs() self.batchClient = boto3.client('batch', region_name=self.REGION) # check what the maximum number of jobs can be run based on the # vCPUS and maxvCPUs settings maxBatchJobs = int(int(self.stackOutputs['BatchMaxVCPUS']) / int(self.stackOutputs['BatchVCPUS'])) if numWorkers > maxBatchJobs: raise ValueError('Requested number of compute workers is ' + 'greater than (MaxVCPUS / VCPUS). Either increase ' + 'this ratio, or reduce numComputeWorkers') self.setupNetworkCommunication(userFunction, infiles, outfiles, otherArgs, controls, workinggrid, allInfo, blockList, numWorkers, inBlockBuffer, outBlockBuffer, self.forceExit, exceptionQue, self.workerBarrier) channAddr = self.dataChan.addressStr() jobQueue = self.stackOutputs['BatchProcessingJobQueueName'] jobDefinition = self.stackOutputs['BatchProcessingJobDefinitionName'] self.jobList = [] for workerID in range(numWorkers): workerCmdArgs = ['-i', str(workerID), '--channaddr', channAddr] containerOverrides = {"command": workerCmdArgs} jobRtn = self.batchClient.submit_job( jobName=self.getWorkerName(workerID), jobQueue=jobQueue, jobDefinition=jobDefinition, containerOverrides=containerOverrides) self.jobList.append(jobRtn) if not singleBlockComputeWorkers: # Do not proceed until all workers have started computeBarrierTimeout = controls.concurrency.computeBarrierTimeout self.workerBarrier.wait(timeout=computeBarrierTimeout)
[docs] def shutdown(self): """ Shut down the job pool """ self.forceExit.set() self.workerBarrier.abort() self.makeOutObjList() self.dataChan.shutdown()
[docs] def getStackOutputs(self): """ Helper function to query the CloudFormation stack for outputs. Uses the RIOS_AWSBATCH_STACK and RIOS_AWSBATCH_REGION env vars to determine which stack and region to query. """ client = boto3.client('cloudformation', region_name=self.REGION) resp = client.describe_stacks(StackName=self.STACK_NAME) if len(resp['Stacks']) == 0: msg = "AWS Batch stack '{}' is not available".format( self.STACK_NAME) raise rioserrors.UnavailableError(msg) outputsRaw = resp['Stacks'][0]['Outputs'] # convert to a normal dictionary outputs = {} for out in outputsRaw: key = out['OutputKey'] value = out['OutputValue'] outputs[key] = value return outputs
[docs]class ClassicBatchComputeWorkerMgr(ComputeWorkerManager): """ Manage compute workers using a classic batch queue, notably PBS or SLURM. Initially constructed with computeWorkerKind = None, one must then assign computeWorkerKind as either CW_PBS or CW_SLURM before use. """ computeWorkerKind = None
[docs] def startWorkers(self, numWorkers=None, userFunction=None, infiles=None, outfiles=None, otherArgs=None, controls=None, blockList=None, inBlockBuffer=None, outBlockBuffer=None, workinggrid=None, allInfo=None, computeWorkersRead=False, singleBlockComputeWorkers=False, tmpfileMgr=None, haveSharedTemp=True, exceptionQue=None): """ Start <numWorkers> PBS or SLURM jobs to process blocks of data """ self.checkBatchSystemAvailable() self.haveSharedTemp = haveSharedTemp self.scriptfileList = [] self.logfileList = [] self.jobId = {} self.forceExit = threading.Event() self.workerBarrier = threading.Barrier(numWorkers + 1) if singleBlockComputeWorkers: # We ignore numWorkers, and have a worker for each block numWorkers = len(blockList) self.setupNetworkCommunication(userFunction, infiles, outfiles, otherArgs, controls, workinggrid, allInfo, blockList, numWorkers, inBlockBuffer, outBlockBuffer, self.forceExit, exceptionQue, self.workerBarrier) try: self.addressFile = None if self.haveSharedTemp: self.addressFile = tmpfileMgr.mktempfile(prefix='rios_batch_', suffix='.chnl') address = self.dataChan.addressStr() open(self.addressFile, 'w').write(address + '\n') for workerID in range(numWorkers): self.worker(workerID, tmpfileMgr) except Exception as e: self.dataChan.shutdown() raise e if not singleBlockComputeWorkers: # Do not proceed until all workers have started computeBarrierTimeout = controls.concurrency.computeBarrierTimeout self.workerBarrier.wait(timeout=computeBarrierTimeout)
[docs] def checkBatchSystemAvailable(self): """ Check whether the selected batch queue system is available. If not, raise UnavailableError """ cmd = self.getQueueCmd() try: subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) batchSysAvailable = True except FileNotFoundError: batchSysAvailable = False if not batchSysAvailable: if self.computeWorkerKind == CW_PBS: msg = "PBS is not available" elif self.computeWorkerKind == CW_SLURM: msg = "SLURM is not available" raise rioserrors.UnavailableError(msg)
[docs] def worker(self, workerID, tmpfileMgr): """ Assemble a worker job and submit it to the batch queue """ scriptfile = tmpfileMgr.mktempfile(prefix='rios_batch_', suffix='.sh') logfile = tmpfileMgr.mktempfile(prefix='rios_batch_', suffix='.log') self.scriptfileList.append(scriptfile) self.logfileList.append(logfile) scriptCmdList = self.beginScript(logfile, workerID) computeWorkerCmd = ["rios_computeworker", "-i", str(workerID)] if self.addressFile is not None: addressArgs = ["--channaddrfile", self.addressFile] else: addressArgs = ["--channaddr", self.dataChan.addressStr()] computeWorkerCmd.extend(addressArgs) computeWorkerCmdStr = " ".join(computeWorkerCmd) # Mark the start of outputs from the worker command in the log scriptCmdList.append("echo 'Begin-rios-worker'") scriptCmdList.append(computeWorkerCmdStr) # Capture the exit status from the command scriptCmdList.append("WORKERCMDSTAT=$?") # Mark the end of outputs from the worker command in the log scriptCmdList.append("echo 'End-rios-worker'") # Make sure the log includes the exit status from the command scriptCmdList.append("echo 'rios_computeworker status:' $WORKERCMDSTAT") scriptStr = '\n'.join(scriptCmdList) open(scriptfile, 'w').write(scriptStr + "\n") submitCmdWords = self.getSubmitCmd() submitCmdWords.append(scriptfile) proc = subprocess.Popen(submitCmdWords, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) # The submit command exits almost immediately, printing the job id # to stdout. So, we just wait for the command to finish, and grab # the jobID string. (stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate() self.jobId[workerID] = self.getJobId(stdout) # If there was something in stderr from the submit command, then # probably something bad happened, so we pass it on to the user # in the form of an exception. if (len(stderr) > 0) or (self.jobId[workerID] is None): msg = "Error from submit command. Message:\n" + stderr raise rioserrors.JobMgrError(msg)
[docs] def waitOnJobs(self): """ Wait for all batch jobs to complete """ jobIdSet = set([jobId for jobId in self.jobId.values()]) numJobs = len(jobIdSet) allFinished = (numJobs == 0) while not allFinished: qlistCmd = self.getQueueCmd() proc = subprocess.Popen(qlistCmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) (stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate() stdoutLines = [line for line in stdout.split('\n') if len(line) > 0] # No blank lines # Skip header lines, and grab first word on each line, # which is the jobID nskip = self.getQlistHeaderCount() qlistJobIDlist = [line.split()[0] for line in stdoutLines[nskip:]] qlistJobIDset = set(qlistJobIDlist) allFinished = jobIdSet.isdisjoint(qlistJobIDset) if not allFinished: # Sleep for a bit before checking again time.sleep(60)
[docs] def findExtraErrors(self): """ Look for errors in the log files. These would be errors which were not reported via the data channel """ numWorkers = len(self.scriptfileList) for workerID in range(numWorkers): logf = open(self.logfileList[workerID], 'r') loglines = [line.strip('\n') for line in logf.readlines()] i = self.findLine(loglines, 'Begin-rios-worker') if i is None: i = -1 j = self.findLine(loglines, 'End-rios-worker') if j is None: j = len(loglines) workerOutLines = loglines[i + 1:j] statusNdx = self.findLine(loglines, 'rios_computeworker status:') if statusNdx is not None: statusLine = loglines[statusNdx] statusVal = int(statusLine.split(':')[-1]) else: statusVal = 1 if statusVal != 0: print("\nError in compute worker", workerID, file=sys.stderr) print('\n'.join(workerOutLines), file=sys.stderr) print(file=sys.stderr)
[docs] @staticmethod def findLine(linelist, s): """ Find the first line which begins with the given string. Return the index of that line, or None if not found. """ ndx = None for i in range(len(linelist)): line = linelist[i].strip() if ndx is None and line.startswith(s): ndx = i return ndx
[docs] def beginScript(self, logfile, workerID): """ Return list of initial script commands, depending on whether we are PBS or SLURM """ workerName = self.getWorkerName(workerID) if self.computeWorkerKind == CW_PBS: scriptCmdList = [ "#!/bin/bash", "#PBS -j oe -o {}".format(logfile), "#PBS -N {}".format(workerName) ] qsubOptions = os.getenv('RIOS_PBSJOBMGR_QSUBOPTIONS') if qsubOptions is not None: scriptCmdList.append("#PBS %s" % qsubOptions) pbsInitCmds = os.getenv('RIOS_PBSJOBMGR_INITCMDS') if pbsInitCmds is not None: scriptCmdList.append(pbsInitCmds) elif self.computeWorkerKind == CW_SLURM: scriptCmdList = [ "#!/bin/bash", "#SBATCH -o %s" % logfile, "#SBATCH -e %s" % logfile, "#SBATCH -J {}".format(workerName) ] sbatchOptions = os.getenv('RIOS_SLURMJOBMGR_SBATCHOPTIONS') if sbatchOptions is not None: scriptCmdList.append("#SBATCH %s" % sbatchOptions) slurmInitCmds = os.getenv('RIOS_SLURMJOBMGR_INITCMDS') if slurmInitCmds is not None: scriptCmdList.append(slurmInitCmds) return scriptCmdList
[docs] def getSubmitCmd(self): """ Return the command name for submitting a job, depending on whether we are PBS or SLURM. Return as a list of words, ready to give to Popen. """ if self.computeWorkerKind == CW_PBS: cmd = ["qsub"] elif self.computeWorkerKind == CW_SLURM: cmd = ["sbatch"] return cmd
[docs] def getQueueCmd(self): """ Return the command name for listing the current jobs in the batch queue, depending on whether we are PBS or SLURM. Return as a list of words, ready to give to Popen. """ if self.computeWorkerKind == CW_PBS: cmd = ["qstat"] elif self.computeWorkerKind == CW_SLURM: cmd = ["squeue", "--noheader"] return cmd
[docs] def getJobId(self, stdout): """ Extract the jobId from the string returned when the job is submitted, depending on whether we are PBS or SLURM """ if self.computeWorkerKind == CW_PBS: jobID = stdout.strip() if len(jobID) == 0: jobID = None elif self.computeWorkerKind == CW_SLURM: slurmOutputList = stdout.strip().split() jobID = None # slurm prints a sentence to the stdout: # 'Submitted batch job X' if len(slurmOutputList) >= 4: jobID = slurmOutputList[3] return jobID
[docs] def getQlistHeaderCount(self): """ Number of lines to skip at the head of the qlist output """ if self.computeWorkerKind == CW_PBS: nskip = 0 elif self.computeWorkerKind == CW_SLURM: nskip = 2 return nskip
[docs] def shutdown(self): """ Shutdown the compute manager. Wait on batch jobs, then shut down the data channel """ self.forceExit.set() self.waitOnJobs() self.makeOutObjList() self.findExtraErrors() self.dataChan.shutdown()
[docs]class SubprocComputeWorkerManager(ComputeWorkerManager): """ Purely for testing, not for normal use. This class manages compute workers run through subprocess.Popen. This is not normally any improvement over using CW_THREADS, and should be avoided. I am using this purely as a test framework to emulate the batch queue types of compute worker, which are similarly disconnected from the main process, so I can work out the right mechanisms to use for exception handling and such like, and making sure the rios_computeworker command line works. """ computeWorkerKind = CW_SUBPROC
[docs] def startWorkers(self, numWorkers=None, userFunction=None, infiles=None, outfiles=None, otherArgs=None, controls=None, blockList=None, inBlockBuffer=None, outBlockBuffer=None, workinggrid=None, allInfo=None, computeWorkersRead=False, singleBlockComputeWorkers=False, tmpfileMgr=None, haveSharedTemp=True, exceptionQue=None): """ Start the specified compute workers """ self.haveSharedTemp = haveSharedTemp self.processes = {} self.results = {} self.forceExit = threading.Event() self.workerBarrier = threading.Barrier(numWorkers + 1) self.setupNetworkCommunication(userFunction, infiles, outfiles, otherArgs, controls, workinggrid, allInfo, blockList, numWorkers, inBlockBuffer, outBlockBuffer, self.forceExit, exceptionQue, self.workerBarrier) try: self.addressFile = None if self.haveSharedTemp: self.addressFile = tmpfileMgr.mktempfile(prefix='rios_subproc_', suffix='.chnl') address = self.dataChan.addressStr() open(self.addressFile, 'w').write(address + '\n') for workerID in range(numWorkers): self.worker(workerID) except Exception as e: self.dataChan.shutdown() raise e if not singleBlockComputeWorkers: # Do not proceed until all workers have started computeBarrierTimeout = controls.concurrency.computeBarrierTimeout self.workerBarrier.wait(timeout=computeBarrierTimeout)
[docs] def worker(self, workerID): """ Start one worker """ cmdList = ["rios_computeworker", "-i", str(workerID), "--channaddrfile", self.addressFile] self.processes[workerID] = subprocess.Popen(cmdList, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
[docs] def waitOnJobs(self): """ Wait for all worker subprocesses to complete """ for (workerID, proc) in self.processes.items(): (stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate() results = { 'returncode': proc.returncode, 'stdoutstr': stdout, 'stderrstr': stderr } self.results[workerID] = results
[docs] def findExtraErrors(self): """ Check for errors in any worker stderr. These would be errors not reported via the data channel """ for (workerID, proc) in self.processes.items(): retcode = proc.returncode if retcode is not None and retcode != 0: stderrStr = self.results[workerID]['stderrstr'].strip() if len(stderrStr) > 0: print("\nError in compute worker", workerID, file=sys.stderr) print(stderrStr, file=sys.stderr) print(file=sys.stderr)
[docs] def shutdown(self): """ Shutdown the compute manager. Wait on batch jobs, then shut down the data channel """ self.forceExit.set() self.workerBarrier.abort() self.waitOnJobs() if self.addressFile is not None: os.remove(self.addressFile) self.makeOutObjList() self.findExtraErrors() self.dataChan.shutdown()