Basic tools for setting up a function to be applied over
a raster processing chain. The :func:`rios.applier.apply` function is the main
point of entry in this module.
# This file is part of RIOS - Raster I/O Simplification
# Copyright (C) 2012 Sam Gillingham, Neil Flood
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import sys
import queue
import numpy
from osgeo import gdal
# Some symbols are imported to here for easy access by the user, even
# though they are not used in this module. Hence the "# noqa: F401"
from . import rioserrors
from .imagereader import DEFAULTLOGGINGSTREAM # noqa: F401
from .imagereader import readBlockAllFiles, ReadWorkerMgr, specialProjFixes
from .imagewriter import writeBlock, closeOutfiles, dfltDriverOptions # noqa: F401
from .imageio import INTERSECTION, UNION, BOUNDS_FROM_REFERENCE # noqa: F401
from .calcstats import DEFAULT_OVERVIEWAGGREGRATIONTYPE # noqa: F401
from .calcstats import SinglePassManager
from .structures import FilenameAssociations, BlockAssociations, OtherInputs # noqa: F401
from .structures import BlockBuffer, Timers, TempfileManager, ApplierReturn
from .structures import ApplierBlockDefn, RasterizationMgr, WorkerErrorRecord
from .structures import CW_NONE, CW_THREADS, CW_PBS, CW_SLURM, CW_AWSBATCH
from .structures import CW_SUBPROC # noqa: F401
from .structures import ConcurrencyStyle
from .fileinfo import ImageInfo, VectorFileInfo
from .pixelgrid import PixelGridDefn, findCommonRegion
from .readerinfo import makeReaderInfo
from .computemanager import getComputeWorkerManager
[docs]class ApplierControls(object):
Controls for the operation of rios, for use with
the :func:`rios.applier.apply` function.
This object starts with default values for all controls, and
has methods for setting each of them to something else.
Default values are provided for all attributes, and can then be over-ridden
with the 'set' methods given.
Some 'set' methods take an optional imagename argument. If given, this shouldbe
the same internal name used for a given image as in the :class:`rios.structures.FilenameAssociations`
objects. This is the internal name for that image, and the method will set
the parameter in question for that specific image, which will over-ride the
global value set when no imagename is given.
Attributes are:
* **windowxsize** X size of rios block (pixels)
* **windowysize** Y size of rios block (pixels)
* **overlap** Number of pixels in margin for block overlaps
* **footprint** :data:`rios.applier.INTERSECTION` or :data:`rios.applier.UNION` or :data:`rios.applier.BOUNDS_FROM_REFERENCE`
* **drivername** GDAL driver short name for output
* **creationoptions** GDAL creation options for output
* **thematic** True/False for thematic outputs
* **layernames** List of layer names for outputs
* **referenceImage** Image for reference projection and grid that inputs will be resampled to.
* **referencePixgrid** pixelGrid for reference projection and grid
* **loggingstream** file-like for logging of messages
* **progress** progress object
* **statsIgnore** global stats ignore value for output (i.e. null value)
* **inputnodata** Over-ride of null value for input file, in reprojecting
* **calcStats** Obsolete. See setCalcStats() docstring
* **omitPyramids** Boolean to omit pyramid layers in outputs
* **omitBasicStats** Boolean to omit basic statistics in outputs
* **omitHistogram** Boolean to omit histogram in outputs
* **overviewLevels** List of level factors used when calculating output image overviews
* **overviewMinDim** Minimum dimension of highest overview level
* **overviewAggType** Aggregation type for calculating overviews
* **singlePassPyramids** Boolean to do pyramids on outputs in a single pass
* **singlePassBasicStats** Boolean to do basic stats on outputs in a single pass
* **singlePassHistogram** Boolean to do histogram on outputs in a single pass
* **tempdir** Name of directory for temp files (resampling, etc.)
* **resampleMethod** String for resample method, when required (as per GDAL)
* **numThreads** Deprecated. Number of parallel threads used for processing each image block
* **jobManagerType** Deprecated. Which :class:`rios.parallel.jobmanager.JobManager` sub-class to use for parallel processing (by name)
* **concurrency** Instance of :class:`rios.structures.ConcurrencyStyle` (use instead of numThreads/jobManagerType)
* **autoColorTableType** Type of color table to be automatically added to thematic output rasters
* **allowOverviewsGdalwarp** Allow use of overviews in input resample (dangerous, do not use)
* **approxStats** Allow approx stats (much faster)
* **layerselection** List of selected layer numbers for input
* **jobName** String name for this job, for cosmetic use only
Options relating to vector input files
* **burnvalue** Value to burn into raster from vector
* **filtersql** SQL where clause used to filter vector features
* **alltouched** Boolean. If True, all pixels touched are included in vector.
* **burnattribute** Name of vector attribute used to supply burnvalue
* **vectorlayer** Number (or name) of vector layer
* **vectordatatype** Numpy datatype to use for raster created from vector
* **vectornull** Rasterised vector is initialised to this value, before burning
def __init__(self):
self.loggingstream = sys.stdout
self.drivername = DEFAULTDRIVERNAME
self.overlap = DEFAULTOVERLAP
self.windowxsize = DEFAULTWINDOWXSIZE
self.windowysize = DEFAULTWINDOWYSIZE
self.footprint = DEFAULTFOOTPRINT
self.referenceImage = None
self.referencePixgrid = None
self.progress = None
self.creationoptions = None
self.statsIgnore = 0
self.inputnodata = None
self.calcStats = True
self.omitPyramids = False
self.omitBasicStats = False
self.omitHistogram = False
self.overviewLevels = DEFAULT_OVERVIEWLEVELS
self.overviewAggType = None
self.singlePassPyramids = None
self.singlePassBasicStats = None
self.singlePassHistogram = None
self.thematic = False
self.layernames = None
self.tempdir = '.'
self.resampleMethod = DEFAULT_RESAMPLEMETHOD
self.numThreads = 1
self.jobManagerType = os.getenv('RIOS_DFLT_JOBMGRTYPE', default=None)
self.concurrency = ConcurrencyStyle()
self.allowOverviewsGdalwarp = False
self.approxStats = False
self.layerselection = None
self.jobName = None
# Vector fields
self.burnvalue = 1
self.vectornull = 0
self.burnattribute = None
self.filtersql = None
self.alltouched = False
self.vectordatatype = numpy.uint8
self.vectorlayer = 0
# Options specific to a named image. This was added on later, and is
# only valid for some of the attributes, so it looks a bit out-of-place.
# Instead of the options being attributes of self, they are keys in a
# dictionary. This dictionary is managed by the two methods
# setOptionForImagename() and getOptionForImagename().
self.optionsByImage = {}
[docs] def setOptionForImagename(self, option, imagename, value):
Set the given option specifically for the given imagename. This
method is for internal use only. If you wish to set a particular
attribute, use the corresponding 'set' method.
if imagename is None:
setattr(self, option, value)
if option not in self.optionsByImage:
self.optionsByImage[option] = {}
self.optionsByImage[option][imagename] = value
[docs] def getOptionForImagename(self, option, imagename):
Returns the value of a particular option for the
given imagename. If only the global option has been set,
then that is returned, but if a specific value has been set for
the given imagename, then use that.
The imagename is the same internal name as used for the image
in the :class:`rios.structures.FilenameAssociations` objects.
value = getattr(self, option)
if option in self.optionsByImage:
if imagename in self.optionsByImage[option]:
value = self.optionsByImage[option][imagename]
return value
def _checks(self, infiles, outfiles):
Run a few simple checks on settings on the controls object.
Raise an exception if an error is found.
# Check that the imagename arguments given are all found as symbolic
# names on either infiles or outfiles
for option in self.optionsByImage:
for imagename in self.optionsByImage[option]:
found = ((imagename in infiles) or (imagename in outfiles))
if not found:
msg = ("For controls option '{}', symbolic name '{}' " +
"not found on infiles or outfiles")
msg = msg.format(option, imagename)
raise ValueError(msg)
# Check output files for a number of conditions
outImageList = [symbName for (symbName, seqNum, filename) in
outImageList = list(set(outImageList))
for imagename in outImageList:
thematic = self.getOptionForImagename('thematic', imagename)
approxStats = self.getOptionForImagename('approxStats', imagename)
omitPyramids = self.getOptionForImagename('omitPyramids', imagename)
if thematic and approxStats:
msg = ("Warning: Output image {} is thematic, and also " +
"uses approximate statistics. This is not " +
print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
if omitPyramids and approxStats:
msg = ("Approximate stats requires pyramid layers, " +
"which have been omitted")
raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def setLoggingStream(self, loggingstream):
Set the rios logging stream to the given file-like object.
This is now deprecated (v2.0.0), and has no effect. The loggingstream
is no longer used within RIOS.
msg = "The loggingstream is deprecated and ignored (v2.0.0)"
self.loggingstream = loggingstream
[docs] def setOverlap(self, overlap):
Set the overlap to the given value.
Overlap is a number of pixels, and is somewhat mis-named. It refers
to the amount of margin added to each block of input, so that the
blocks will overlap, hence the actual amount of overlap is really
double this value.
The margin can result in pixels which are outside the extent of
the given input images. These pixels will be filled with the null
value for that input file, or zero if no null value is set on
that file.
self.overlap = overlap
[docs] def setOutputDriverName(self, drivername, imagename=None):
Set the output driver name to the given GDAL shortname.
Note that the GDAL creation options have defaults suitable only
for the default driver, so if one sets the output driver, then
the creation options should be reviewed too.
In more recent versions of RIOS, the addition of driver-specific
default creation options ($RIOS_DFLT_CREOPT_<driver>) allows for
multiple default creation options to be set up.
self.setOptionForImagename('drivername', imagename, drivername)
[docs] def setWindowXsize(self, windowxsize):
Set the X size of the blocks used. Images are processed in
blocks (windows) of 'windowxsize' columns, and 'windowysize' rows.
self.windowxsize = windowxsize
[docs] def setWindowYsize(self, windowysize):
Set the Y size of the blocks used. Images are processed in
blocks (windows) of 'windowxsize' columns, and 'windowysize' rows.
self.windowysize = windowysize
[docs] def setWindowSize(self, windowxsize, windowysize):
Sets the X and Y size of the blocks used in one call.
Images are processed in blocks (windows) of 'windowxsize'
columns, and 'windowysize' rows.
New in version 1.4.17.
self.windowxsize = windowxsize
self.windowysize = windowysize
[docs] def setReferenceImage(self, referenceImage):
Set the name of the image to use for the reference pixel grid and
projection. If neither referenceImage nor referencePixgrid are set,
then no resampling will be allowed. Only set one of referenceImage or
The reference image can be given as either the internal name, as given
on infiles, or the external filename. The internal name is
preferred, and consistent with other usage, but the filename is
allowed for backward compatibility.
self.referenceImage = referenceImage
[docs] def setReferencePixgrid(self, referencePixgrid):
Set the reference pixel grid. If neither referenceImage nor
referencePixgrid are set, then no resampling will be allowed.
Only set one of referenceImage or referencePixgrid. The referencePixgrid
argument is of type :class:`rios.pixelgrid.PixelGridDefn`.
self.referencePixgrid = referencePixgrid
[docs] def setProgress(self, progress):
Set the progress display object. Default is no progress
The progress object should be an instance of one of the classes
from :class:`rios.cuiprogress`, and is used to generate a simple
progress indicator showing the percentage completed.
self.progress = progress
[docs] def setCreationOptions(self, creationoptions, imagename=None):
Set a list of GDAL creation options (should match with the driver).
Each list element is a string of the form "NAME=VALUE".
Defaults are suitable for the default driver, and need to be changed
if that is changed. However, if an appropriate driver-specific default
environment variable ($RIOS_DFLT_CREOPT_<driver>) is given, this
will be used.
self.setOptionForImagename('creationoptions', imagename, creationoptions)
[docs] def setStatsIgnore(self, statsIgnore, imagename=None):
Set the 'no data' value for the output files (also known as the
'null' value). This value will be written into the output files,
and will thus be ignored when calculating statistics, histograms
and overviews (pyramid layers) on those files.
If this value is given as None, then no null value will be set on
output files.
If imagename is given, the setting will only apply to that image,
otherwise it will apply to all output files.
There is currently no mechanism to set different null values for
different layers in an output file.
The default value is 0. This was probably a bad idea, but to avoid
breaking old scripts, we are not likely to change this.
self.setOptionForImagename('statsIgnore', imagename, statsIgnore)
[docs] def setCalcStats(self, calcStats, imagename=None):
From version 2.0.5, this is now obsolete.
The default behaviour is to calculate pyramid layers, basic statistics,
and histogram on all outputs. To omit any of these, call the
associated controls method (setOmitPyramids, setOmitBasicStats,
or setOmitHistogram).
In earlier versions, these were all controlled with a call to this
method. It is now preferred that these omit methods be called
individually. The setCalcStats method now emulates the old behaviour,
but will probably be deprecated in some future version, and
eventually removed.
self.setOmitPyramids((not calcStats), imagename=imagename)
self.setOmitBasicStats((not calcStats), imagename=imagename)
self.setOmitHistogram((not calcStats), imagename=imagename)
[docs] def setOmitPyramids(self, omitPyramids, imagename=None):
The default behaviour is to calculate pyramid layers (i.e. overviews)
on all output images. To omit these, call setOmitPyramids(True).
If imagename is given, it should be a symbolic name as used on
the outfiles object, and this setting will apply only to that
New in version 1.1.2.
self.setOptionForImagename('omitPyramids', imagename, omitPyramids)
[docs] def setOmitBasicStats(self, omitBasicStats, imagename=None):
The default behaviour is to calculate basic statistics
on all output images. To omit these, call setOmitBasicStats(True).
If imagename is given, it should be a symbolic name as used on
the outfiles object, and this setting will apply only to that
New in version 2.0.5.
self.setOptionForImagename('omitBasicStats', imagename, omitBasicStats)
[docs] def setOmitHistogram(self, omitHistogram, imagename=None):
The default behaviour is to calculate image histograms
on all output images. To omit these, call setOmitHistogram(True).
If imagename is given, it should be a symbolic name as used on
the outfiles object, and this setting will apply only to that
New in version 2.0.5.
self.setOptionForImagename('omitHistogram', imagename, omitHistogram)
[docs] def setOverviewLevels(self, overviewLevels, imagename=None):
Set the overview levels to be used on output images (i.e. pyramid layers).
Levels are specified as a list of integer factors, with the same meanings
as given to the gdaladdo command.
New in version 1.4.1
self.setOptionForImagename('overviewLevels', imagename, overviewLevels)
[docs] def setOverviewMinDim(self, overviewMinDim, imagename=None):
Set minimum dimension allowed for output overview. Overview levels (i.e. pyramid
layers) will be calculated as per the overviewLevels list of factors, but
only until the minimum dimension falls below the value of overviewMinDim
New in version 1.4.1
self.setOptionForImagename('overviewMinDim', imagename, overviewMinDim)
[docs] def setOverviewAggregationType(self, overviewAggType, imagename=None):
Set the type of aggregation used when computing overview images (i.e. pyramid
layers). Normally a thematic image should be aggregated using "NEAREST", while a
continuous image should be aggregated using "AVERAGE". When the setting is
given as None, then a default is used. If using an output format which
supports LAYER_TYPE, the default is based on this, but if not, it comes from
the value of the environment variable $RIOS_DEFAULT_OVERVIEWAGGREGATIONTYPE.
This method should usually be used to set when writing an output to a format
which does not support LAYER_TYPE, and which is not appropriate for the
setting given by the environment default.
New in version 1.4.1
self.setOptionForImagename('overviewAggType', imagename, overviewAggType)
[docs] def setSinglePassPyramids(self, singlePassPyramids, imagename=None):
The default behaviour is to attempt to compute pyramid layers (i.e.
overviews) for output files as each block is computed. This avoids
an extra pass through the data afterwards.
The single-pass pyramids requires that incremental writing of
pyramids is supported by the output format driver. This is checked
for each driver used. The default will use it if supported, but fall
back to GDAL if not.
If singlePassPyramids is given here as False, then this will not be
attempted, and instead GDAL's BuildOverviews() function will be called
after the output is completed (i.e. a whole extra pass through the
data). If True is given, and the driver does not support it, then
an exception will be raised.
New in version 2.0.5.
self.setOptionForImagename('singlePassPyramids', imagename,
[docs] def setSinglePassBasicStats(self, singlePassBasicStats, imagename=None):
The default behaviour is to attempt to compute basic statistics
(i.e. min/max/mean/stddev) for all output files as each block is
computed. This avoids an extra pass through the data afterwards.
If singlePassBasicStats is given here as False, then this will not be
attempted, and instead GDAL's ComputeStatistics() function will be
called after the output is completed (i.e. a whole extra pass through
the data).
New in version 2.0.5.
See also setApproxStats() for an alternative way of speeding up
basic statistics.
self.setOptionForImagename('singlePassBasicStats', imagename,
[docs] def setSinglePassHistogram(self, singlePassHistogram, imagename=None):
The default behaviour is to attempt to compute a histogram
(on each band) for all output files. If possible, this will be done
incrementally, as each block of output is written, but if that is
not possible, it will be done at the end of processing, which will
require an extra pass through each output file.
The single-pass histogram is only supported for integer datatypes. The
default behaviour is to do single-pass histograms if possible, and
if not, to fall back computing histograms using GDAL's GetHistogram()
function, after the output files have been written.
If singlePassHistogram is given here as False, then GDAL's function
will always be used. If singlePassHistogram is given here as True,
and the required conditions are not satisfied, then an exception
will be raised, explaining why this cannot be done.
New in version 2.0.5.
See also setApproxStats() for an alternative way of speeding up
histogram calculation.
self.setOptionForImagename('singlePassHistogram', imagename,
[docs] def setThematic(self, thematicFlag, imagename=None):
Boolean flag to indicate whether the output file is thematic. A value
of True means the output will be set as thematic, although this may
not be supported by the output format driver.
Default is False (i.e. not thematic).
self.setOptionForImagename('thematic', imagename, thematicFlag)
[docs] def setLayerNames(self, layerNames, imagename=None):
Set list of layernames to be given to the output file(s). This is not
really well supported by most format drivers, and should probably
be avoided. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
New in version 1.1.5
self.setOptionForImagename('layernames', imagename, layerNames)
[docs] def setTempdir(self, tempdir):
Set directory to use for temporary files for resampling, etc.
Default is '.' (i.e. current directory).
self.tempdir = tempdir
[docs] def setResampleMethod(self, resampleMethod, imagename=None):
Set resample method to be used for resampling of input files. Possible
options are those defined by gdalwarp, i.e. 'near', 'bilinear',
'cubic', 'cubicspline', 'lanczos'.
self.setOptionForImagename('resampleMethod', imagename, resampleMethod)
[docs] def setBurnValue(self, burnvalue, vectorname=None):
Set the burn value to be used when rasterizing the input vector(s).
If vectorname given, set only for that vector. Default is 1.
self.setOptionForImagename('burnvalue', vectorname, burnvalue)
[docs] def setBurnAttribute(self, burnattribute, vectorname=None):
Set the vector attribute name from which to get the burn value
for each vector feature. If vectorname is given, set only for that
vector input. Default is to use burnvalue instead of burnattribute.
self.setOptionForImagename('burnattribute', vectorname, burnattribute)
[docs] def setVectorNull(self, vectornull, vectorname=None):
Set the vector null value. This is used to initialise the
rasterised vector, before burning in the burn value. This is of most
importance when burning values from a vector attribute column, as
this should be a distinct value from any of the values in the column.
If this is not so, then polygons can end up blending with the background,
resulting in incorrect answers.
Default is 0
self.setOptionForImagename('vectornull', vectorname, vectornull)
[docs] def setFilterSQL(self, filtersql, vectorname=None):
Set an SQL WHERE clause which will be used to filter vector features.
If vectorname is given, then set only for that vector
self.setOptionForImagename('filtersql', vectorname, filtersql)
[docs] def setAlltouched(self, alltouched, vectorname=None):
Set boolean value of alltouched attribute. If alltouched is True, then
pixels will count as "inside" a vector polygon if they touch the polygon,
rather than only if their centre is inside.
If vectorname given, then set only for that vector.
Default is False.
self.setOptionForImagename('alltouched', vectorname, alltouched)
[docs] def setVectorDatatype(self, vectordatatype, vectorname=None):
Set numpy datatype to use for rasterized vectors. If vectorname
given, set only for that vector.
Default is numpy.uint8
self.setOptionForImagename('vectordatatype', vectorname, vectordatatype)
[docs] def setVectorlayer(self, vectorlayer, vectorname=None):
Set number/name of vector layer, for vector formats which have
multiple layers. Not required for plain shapefiles.
Can be either a layer number (start at zero) or
a layer name. If vectorname given, set only for that vector.
self.setOptionForImagename('vectorlayer', vectorname, vectorlayer)
[docs] def setNumThreads(self, numThreads):
This is now deprecated (version 2.0.0).
Please see setConcurrencyStyle instead.
Set the number of 'threads' to be used when processing each block
of imagery. Note that these are not threads in the technical sense,
but are handled by the JobManager class, and are some form of
cooperating parallel processes, depending on the type of job
manager sub-class selected. See :mod:`rios.parallel.jobmanager`
for full details. Note that this is only worth using on very
computationally-intensive tasks. Default is 1, i.e. no parallel
self.numThreads = numThreads
[docs] def setJobManagerType(self, jobMgrType):
This is now deprecated (version 2.0.0).
Please see setConcurrencyStyle instead.
Set which type of JobManager is to be used for parallel processing.
See :mod:`rios.parallel.jobmanager` for details. Default is taken from
self.jobManagerType = jobMgrType
[docs] def setConcurrencyStyle(self, concurrencyStyle):
Set the concurrency style. Argument is an instance of the
:class:`rios.structures.ConcurrencyStyle` class. See there
for full details of how to use this.
New in version 2.0
self.concurrency = concurrencyStyle
[docs] def setJobName(self, jobName):
Set a job name string. This is entirely optional, and has only cosmetic
A job name string is set on the controls object, and is made available
to things like other compute workers. This can assist in identifying
workers and relating them to the originating job, in situations where
there are multiple main jobs running simultaneously.
It defaults to None, and is then unused.
New in version 2.0.5
self.jobName = jobName
[docs] def setAutoColorTableType(self, autoColorTableType, imagename=None):
If this option is set, then thematic raster outputs will have a
color table automatically generated and attached to them. The type is
passed to :func:`rios.rat.genColorTable` to determine what type of automatic
color table is generated.
The default type will be taken from $RIOS_DFLT_AUTOCOLORTABLETYPE if it
is set. If that is not set, then the default is not to automatically attached
any color table to thematic output rasters.
In practise, it is probably simpler to explicitly set the color table using
the :func:`rios.rat.setColorTable` function, after creating the file, but this
is an alternative.
Note that the imagename parameter can be given, in which case the autoColorTableType
will only be applied to that raster.
None of this has any impact on athematic outputs.
New in version 1.4.3
self.setOptionForImagename('autoColorTableType', imagename, autoColorTableType)
[docs] def setAllowOverviewsGdalwarp(self, allowOverviewsGdalwarp):
This option is provided purely for testing purposes, and it is recommended
that this never be used operationally.
In GDAL >= 2.0, the default behaviour of gdalwarp was modified so that it
will use overviews during a resample to a lower resolution. By default,
RIOS now switches this off again (by giving gdalwarp the '-ovr NONE'
switch), as this is very unreliable behaviour. Overviews can be
calculated by many different methods, and the user of the
file cannot tell how they were done.
In order to allow users to assess the damage done by this, we provide
this option to allow resampling to use overviews. This also allows
compatibility with versions of RIOS which did not switch it off, before
we discovered that it was happening. To allow this, set this parameter
to True, otherwise it defaults to False.
We strongly recommend against allowing gdalwarp to use overviews.
New in version 1.4.8
self.allowOverviewsGdalwarp = allowOverviewsGdalwarp
[docs] def setApproxStats(self, approxStats, imagename=None):
Set boolean value of approxStats attribute. This modifies the
computation of both basic statistics and histograms on output
files, allowing the use of lower resolution pyramid layers
(i.e. overviews), instead of the full resolution data. This
dramatically speeds up both calculations.
This has no effect when using single-pass calculation for basic
statistics and histograms (new in 2.0.5), and so setting this to
be True will have the effect of disabling single-pass for both
basic statistics and histograms. It is independent of single-pass
pyramids layers.
If imagename is given, then the setting will apply only to
the given image.
New in version 1.4.9
self.setOptionForImagename('approxStats', imagename, approxStats)
[docs] def emulateOldJobManager(self):
Uses the new ConcurrencyStyle model (version 2.0.0) to emulate the
old JobManager concurrency. The new stuff is much better, but this
allows old programs to use it without modification. Prints a
deprecation warning. This routine is called automatically if the
old JobManager settings have been invoked, and should not be used
if self.numThreads != 1 and self.jobManagerType is not None:
msg = ("setNumThreads and setJobManagerType are now " +
"deprecated (v2.0.0). Please use setConcurrencyStyle " +
"instead. Emulating jobManagerType '{}'")
msg = msg.format(self.jobManagerType)
rioserrors.deprecationWarning(msg, stacklevel=3)
numComputeWorkers = self.numThreads
jobMgrToCwKind = {
"pbs": CW_PBS, "multiprocessing": CW_THREADS,
"subproc": CW_THREADS, "slurm": CW_SLURM,
cwKind = jobMgrToCwKind[self.jobManagerType]
concurrency = ConcurrencyStyle(
computeWorkerKind=cwKind, numReadWorkers=1
[docs]def apply(userFunction, infiles, outfiles, otherArgs=None, controls=None):
Apply the given 'userFunction' to the given
input and output files.
infiles and outfiles are :class:`rios.structures.FilenameAssociations` objects to
define associations between internal variable names and
external filenames, for the raster file inputs and outputs.
otherArgs is an object of extra arguments to be passed to the
userFunction, each with a sensible name on the object. These
can be either input or output arguments, entirely at the discretion
of userFunction(). otherArgs should be in instance of :class:`rios.structures.OtherInputs`
The userFunction has the following call sequence::
userFunction(info, inputs, outputs)
userFunction(info, inputs, outputs, otherArgs)
if otherArgs is not None.
inputs and outputs are objects in which there are named attributes
with the same names as those given in the infiles and outfiles
objects. In the inputs and outputs objects, available inside
userFunction, these attributes contain numpy arrays of data read
from/written to the corresponding image file.
If the attributes given in the infiles or outfiles objects are
lists of filenames, the the corresponding attributes of the
inputs and outputs objects inside the applied function will be
lists of image data blocks instead of single blocks.
The numpy arrays are always 3-d arrays, with shape::
(numBands, numRows, numCols)
The datatype of the output image(s) is determined directly
from the datatype of the numpy arrays in the outputs object.
The info object contains many useful details about the processing,
and will always be passed to the userFunction. It can, of course,
be ignored. It is an instance of the :class:`rios.readerinfo.ReaderInfo` class.
The controls argument, if given, is an instance of the
:class:`rios.applier.ApplierControls` class, which allows control of various
aspects of the reading and writing of images. See the class
documentation for further details.
The apply function returns a :class:`rios.structures.ApplierReturn` object
(new in version 2.0).
There is a page dedicated to :doc:`applierexamples`.
# We always want to be using exceptions, but don't wish to force this
# on the calling program, so save what they were using
usingGdalExceptions = gdal.GetUseExceptions()
if controls is None:
controls = ApplierControls()
controls._checks(infiles, outfiles)
# Includes ImageInfo and VectorFileInfo, keyed by (logicalname, seqNum)
allInfo = readAllImgInfo(infiles)
# Make the working grid
workinggrid = makeWorkingGrid(infiles, allInfo, controls)
# Divide the working grid into blocks for processing
blockList = makeBlockList(workinggrid, controls)
# A timer for the main thread, to estimate wallclock time of whole run
timings = Timers()
with timings.interval('walltime'):
concurrency = controls.concurrency
if (concurrency.computeWorkerKind == CW_NONE):
rtn = apply_singleCompute(userFunction, infiles, outfiles,
otherArgs, controls, allInfo, workinggrid, blockList,
None, None, None, None)
rtn = apply_multipleCompute(userFunction, infiles, outfiles,
otherArgs, controls, allInfo, workinggrid, blockList)
rtn.workinggrid = workinggrid
if not usingGdalExceptions:
# Restore the calling program's preference
return rtn
[docs]def apply_singleCompute(userFunction, infiles, outfiles, otherArgs,
controls, allInfo, workinggrid, blockList, outBlockBuffer,
inBlockBuffer, workerID, forceExit):
Called internally from the apply() function. Not to be called directly.
Apply function for simplest configuration, with no compute concurrency.
Does have possible read concurrency.
This function is also called for each compute worker in the
batch-oriented compute worker styles, where each worker is an instance
of a single-compute case.
timings = Timers()
concurrency = controls.concurrency
tmpfileMgr = TempfileManager(controls.tempdir)
rasterizeMgr = RasterizationMgr()
readWorkerMgr = None
singlePassMgr = None
prog = None
exceptionQue = None
numBlocks = len(blockList)
if outBlockBuffer is None:
# This must be the main thread, so do certain extra things
gdalOutObjCache = {}
singlePassMgr = SinglePassManager(outfiles, controls, workinggrid,
prog = ApplierProgress(controls, numBlocks)
exceptionQue = queue.Queue()
gdalObjCache = None
if inBlockBuffer is None:
if concurrency.numReadWorkers > 0:
inBlockBuffer = BlockBuffer(infiles, concurrency.numReadWorkers,
readWorkerMgr = ReadWorkerMgr()
readWorkerMgr.startReadWorkers(blockList, infiles, allInfo,
controls, tmpfileMgr, rasterizeMgr, workinggrid, inBlockBuffer,
timings, exceptionQue)
gdalObjCache = {}
blockNdx = 0
while (blockNdx < numBlocks and
(forceExit is None or not forceExit.is_set())):
if prog is not None:
if inBlockBuffer is None:
blockDefn = blockList[blockNdx]
with timings.interval('reading'):
inputs = readBlockAllFiles(infiles, workinggrid,
blockDefn, allInfo, gdalObjCache, controls,
tmpfileMgr, rasterizeMgr)
with timings.interval('pop_readbuffer'):
(blockDefn, inputs) = inBlockBuffer.popNextBlock()
except Exception as e:
workerErr = WorkerErrorRecord(e, 'main')
blockDefn = inputs = None
if inputs is not None:
readerInfo = makeReaderInfo(workinggrid, blockDefn, controls,
infiles, inputs, allInfo)
outputs = BlockAssociations()
userArgs = (readerInfo, inputs, outputs)
if otherArgs is not None:
userArgs += (otherArgs,)
with timings.interval('userfunction'):
if outBlockBuffer is None:
writeBlock(gdalOutObjCache, blockDefn, outfiles, outputs,
controls, workinggrid, singlePassMgr, timings)
with timings.interval('insert_computebuffer'):
outBlockBuffer.insertCompleteBlock(blockDefn, outputs)
blockNdx += 1
# Check for exceptions from workers
if exceptionQue is not None and exceptionQue.qsize() > 0:
exceptionRecord = exceptionQue.get()
msg = "The preceding exception was raised in a worker"
raise rioserrors.WorkerExceptionError(msg)
if prog is not None:
if outBlockBuffer is None:
closeOutfiles(gdalOutObjCache, outfiles, controls,
singlePassMgr, timings)
if readWorkerMgr is not None:
gdalObjCache = None
# Set up returns object
rtn = ApplierReturn()
rtn.timings = timings
rtn.otherArgsList = [otherArgs]
if singlePassMgr is not None:
rtn.singlePassMgr = singlePassMgr
return rtn
[docs]def apply_multipleCompute(userFunction, infiles, outfiles, otherArgs,
controls, allInfo, workinggrid, blockList):
Called internally from the apply() function. Not to be called directly.
Apply function for the multiple compute cases. Starts a number of
compute workers, each of which calls the user function on inputs
and creates outputs, which this function writes to the output files.
concurrency = controls.concurrency
tmpfileMgr = TempfileManager(controls.tempdir)
rasterizeMgr = RasterizationMgr()
computeMgr = getComputeWorkerManager(concurrency.computeWorkerKind)
timings = Timers()
numComputeWorkers = concurrency.numComputeWorkers
outBlockBuffer = BlockBuffer(outfiles, numComputeWorkers,
concurrency.computeBufferPopTimeout, 'compute')
gdalOutObjCache = {}
singlePassMgr = SinglePassManager(outfiles, controls, workinggrid,
exceptionQue = queue.Queue()
inBlockBuffer = None
readWorkerMgr = None
if not concurrency.computeWorkersRead:
inBlockBuffer = BlockBuffer(infiles, concurrency.numReadWorkers,
readWorkerMgr = ReadWorkerMgr()
readWorkerMgr.startReadWorkers(blockList, infiles, allInfo,
controls, tmpfileMgr, rasterizeMgr, workinggrid,
inBlockBuffer, timings, exceptionQue)
userFunction=userFunction, infiles=infiles, outfiles=outfiles,
otherArgs=otherArgs, controls=controls, blockList=blockList,
inBlockBuffer=inBlockBuffer, outBlockBuffer=outBlockBuffer,
workinggrid=workinggrid, allInfo=allInfo,
tmpfileMgr=tmpfileMgr, haveSharedTemp=concurrency.haveSharedTemp,
except Exception as e:
if readWorkerMgr is not None:
raise e
numBlocks = len(blockList)
blockNdx = 0
prog = ApplierProgress(controls, numBlocks)
while blockNdx < numBlocks:
with timings.interval('pop_computebuffer'):
(blockDefn, outputs) = outBlockBuffer.popNextBlock()
writeBlock(gdalOutObjCache, blockDefn, outfiles, outputs,
controls, workinggrid, singlePassMgr, timings)
except Exception as e:
workerErr = WorkerErrorRecord(e, 'main')
blockNdx += 1
# Check for worker exceptions
if exceptionQue.qsize() > 0:
exceptionRecord = exceptionQue.get()
msg = "The preceding exception was raised in a worker"
raise rioserrors.WorkerExceptionError(msg)
closeOutfiles(gdalOutObjCache, outfiles, controls, singlePassMgr,
# It is important that the computeMgr always be shut down, as it
# could be running a NetworkDataChannel thread
if readWorkerMgr is not None:
# Assemble the return object
rtn = ApplierReturn()
outObjList = computeMgr.outObjList
timingsList = [obj for obj in outObjList if isinstance(obj, Timers)]
rtn.timings = timings
for t in timingsList:
rtn.otherArgsList = [obj for obj in computeMgr.outObjList
if isinstance(obj, OtherInputs)]
rtn.singlePassMgr = singlePassMgr
return rtn
[docs]def readAllImgInfo(infiles):
Open all input files and create an ImageInfo (or VectorFileInfo)
object for each. Return a dictionary of them, keyed by their
position within infiles, i.e. (symbolicName, SeqNum).
allInfo = {}
for (symbolicName, seqNum, filename) in infiles:
infoObj = ImageInfo(filename)
except (RuntimeError, rioserrors.FileOpenError):
infoObj = None
# Try as a vector
if infoObj is None:
infoObj = VectorFileInfo(filename)
except (RuntimeError, rioserrors.FileOpenError):
infoObj = None
if infoObj is None:
msg = "Unable to open '{}'".format(filename)
raise rioserrors.FileOpenError(msg)
allInfo[symbolicName, seqNum] = infoObj
return allInfo
[docs]def makeWorkingGrid(infiles, allInfo, controls):
Work out the projection and extent of the working grid.
Return a PixelGridDefn object representing it.
# Make a list of all the pixel grids
pixgridList = []
for info in allInfo.values():
if isinstance(info, ImageInfo):
pixgrid = PixelGridDefn(
nrows=info.nrows, ncols=info.ncols)
# Work out the reference pixel grid
refPixGrid = controls.referencePixgrid
if refPixGrid is None and controls.referenceImage is not None:
refImage = controls.referenceImage
refNdx = None
for (symbolicName, seqNum, filename) in infiles:
# refImage can be either a symbolic name or a real filename,
# so check both.
if refImage in (symbolicName, filename):
refNdx = (symbolicName, seqNum)
if refNdx is not None:
refInfo = allInfo[refNdx]
refInfo = ImageInfo(refImage)
refPixGrid = PixelGridDefn(projection=refInfo.projection,
nrows=refInfo.nrows, ncols=refInfo.ncols)
if refPixGrid is None:
# We have not been given a reference. This means that we should not
# be doing any reprojecting, so check that all pixel grids match
# the first one
refPixGrid = pixgridList[0]
match = checkAllMatch(pixgridList, refPixGrid)
if not match:
msg = ('Input grids do not match. Must supply a reference ' +
'image or pixelgrid')
raise rioserrors.ResampleNeededError(msg)
workinggrid = findCommonRegion(pixgridList, refPixGrid,
return workinggrid
[docs]def checkAllMatch(pixgridList, refPixGrid):
Returns whether any resampling necessary to match
reference dataset.
Use as a check if no resampling is done that we
can proceed ok.
match = True
for pixGrid in pixgridList:
if not refPixGrid.isComparable(pixGrid):
match = False
elif not refPixGrid.alignedWith(pixGrid):
match = False
return match
[docs]def makeBlockList(workinggrid, controls):
Divide the working grid area into blocks. Return a list of
ApplierBlockDefn objects
blockList = []
(nrows, ncols) = workinggrid.getDimensions()
top = 0
while top < nrows:
ysize = min(controls.windowysize, (nrows - top))
left = 0
while left < ncols:
xsize = min(controls.windowxsize, (ncols - left))
blockDefn = ApplierBlockDefn(top, left, ysize, xsize)
left += xsize
top += ysize
return blockList
[docs]class ApplierProgress:
Wrapper around the controls progress object, just to simplify the
update call, and keeping track of whether the percentage has changed.
def __init__(self, controls, numBlocks):
self.progress = controls.progress
self.numBlocks = numBlocks
self.lastpercent = None
[docs] def update(self, blockNdx):
if self.progress is not None:
percent = int(round(100 * blockNdx / self.numBlocks))
if percent != self.lastpercent:
self.lastpercent = percent
[docs]def reportWorkerException(exceptionRecord):
Report the given WorkerExceptionRecord object to stderr
print(exceptionRecord, file=sys.stderr)